Intro Page

Ephesians 4 Model

This Website is dedicated to encouraging those who know Jesus as Lord and Savior. And offer hope to those who do not know the Lord who died for them.

Seek First The Kingdom of God

Website Content includes: Daily Memory Verses – Words of Encouragement Messages that have inspired me – Click the links below to jump to content

America Bless God

God, Country and Home

We are a nation founded on religious principles that made righteousness a part of our morality. Righteousness is not a natural state of mankind. It is learned. We learn righteousness from only one source. We learn righteousness from the Word of God.

Infants when they are born are beautiful and precious in our eyes. We have great delight and joy over their entrance into our lives. But Infants do not serve others they are served. Infants do not share with others they take what they need/want and reject what they do not. Infants are self centered though they are not yet self-aware.

We train our children to be less selfish, more aware of their surroundings and those with whom they will share their lives.

The purpose of this Website: The Word Of God teaches us and transforms us from the naturally self-centered child to the God-centered mature adult. This is the Ephesians 4 Model.

For more on the Ephesians 4 Model: click here: Eph. 4:11-16

We Are called to serve one another
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Website Explanation:

When I began this project the purpose was to share content that has been beneficial to me in my walk of faith. It has long been a desire of mine to write but so often I have felt inadequate to the responsibilities of the task. I did not want to begin something that I would not be able to see through to its completion. I have started at least twice before and was not able to sustain the efforts required. I believe this is not only the right choice but also the right time to begin anew. I began the website in a closed community in July of 2022. It very quickly became obvious that I needed to make the website more accessible.

September 2022

So I launched on this platform in September. I have been very fortunate to receive insight, critique, encouragement from many sources. What you will experience with this website is a continuous evolving source of content to encourage you if you are a believer and content to help you to know the God who loves you so much that he sent his Son to make it possible for all of us to know the one true God. The page you are currently on is a static page that will direct you to the original work that was begun in July.

June 2023

Jesus trusted and obeyed-Jesus was faithful in the temple talking with the elders, in his baptism by John when God proclaimed ‘this is my well beloved Son’, in the wilderness being tempted by the devil (the accuser), in the garden of Gethsemane, on the cross of Calvary. What about you Today?

I pray that as you read through the offerings in this website you will be drawn into a faith walk with God the Father that Jesus will be pleased with.

If you do not have a faith walk with Christ Jesus, I pray that the Word of God will draw you to that relationship with the Father.

As you begin your time in this website I recommend that after you have read the About The Website page that you click on one of the links that will take you to the very beginning in August of 2022. Be sure to come back from time to time to see what new items the Lord has added to the website. The two most active pages are the Daily Memory Verse and the Words of Encouragement.

And as always write me a few lines to let me know what you think. If it is a critique it is welcomed. I can only grow. If it is praise it is welcomed. I can only give God the glory for it is what he is doing I am just fortunate to be one of the people that he has chosen to share his word through. The vessel cannot boast of its performance it can only fulfill its purpose.

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